Partnering with parents to equip students for a lifetime of learning and glorifying God through community, discipleship, and a Christ-centered, University-Model of education.


RSCA provides assistance for families who seek a Christian education for their children and are willing to make a personal sacrifice but lack sufficient resources to fully cover the cost of tuition. Financial aid should create growth, while ensuring financial viability for the school. This aid is funded annually through various school fundraisers.

Internal aid is available from K through 12th grade. The maximum aid amount will be 30% of tuition.

The following conditions apply to all forms of financial assistance

  1. The financial aid, assistance, or discount is for tuition only and does not apply to application fees, registration fees, enrollment fees, curriculum fees, or any other fees or charges.
  2. Eligibility for internal aid is based on a demonstrated financial need (through FACTS), current account status, and available space.
  3. Students on notice for academic or behavior reasons may not qualify for continuation of financial aid.
  4. Priority is given to returning families, who complete the re-enrollment process by Feb 20.
  5. To be considered by the Financial Aid Committee, the application to FACTS Aid must be completed and all requested documents must be sent to FACTS by May. It is the family's responsibility to send all required information to FACTS. Incomplete financial aid applications will not be processed.
  6. The Financial Aid Committee uses the needs assessment from FACTS Aid to determine final awards.
  7. Completion of the financial aid process does not guarantee that financial aid will be awarded.
  8. RSCA operates the financial aid program on principles of confidentiality, good stewardship of resources, and fiscal responsibility. Families are expected to keep awards confidential.
  9. Parents receiving aid are expected to complete volunteer hours.
  10. Parents are required to notify the school if financial conditions improve during the year and will be expected to pay more toward their children’s tuition, so additional families may receive assistance.
  11. Families must reapply for financial aid each year. It is not automatically renewable each academic year.
  12. A student may not start school with a tuition agreement pending financial aid.
  13. The first round of financial aid will be awarded by May 31.
  14. Financial aid applications will not be accepted after August 1.

Additional Scholarship Opportunities

ACE: Alliance for Choice in Education

Rock Solid Christian Academy is a participating school in the Alliance for Choice in Education (ACE) Scholarship program. ACE is a privately funded program for low-income families who meet criteria specified by the ACE Scholarship organization. Applications and other required forms should be submitted through FACTS.

Required Forms: ACE Scholarship Application + the previous year's tax return and additional documentation as required

Non-discrimination Policy

RSCA shall not discriminate against Members, applicants, employees, students, volunteers, and others on the basis of race, color, nationality, or ethnic origin; however, as a religious institution, the corporation reserves the right to deny or terminate employment or to deny or terminate any other status of persons whose lifestyle, words, actions or otherwise do not align with the corporation’s Statement of Faith, standard of conduct, or other policies of this organization. This policy statement is not intended to waive the ministerial exception or any other exception or exemption to federal, state, or local antidiscrimination laws or regulations.